domingo, dezembro 26, 2010
quarta-feira, dezembro 15, 2010
Call in solidarity with the students and precarious workers arrested the 14th of December in Italy
Please sign and circulate: 14th of December was another great moment of struggles in Italy. One hundred thousand high school and university students, precarious researchers and workers from all over Italy demonstrated in Rome on the day in which it seemed a vote of no confidence would be passed on the Berlusconi government. Berlusconi and the right saved themselves, but in the streets of Rome and many other Italian cities the movement expressed its mistrust of the government.
The response of the government was a huge repression: people were charged and beaten in the squares, and dozens of students and precarious workers were arrested. There is only one accusation: they resist the cuts to schools and university, to education and research, they speak up against the theft of their future, against precariousness and the lack of guarantees for their future. This is a resistance of a generation of students and precarious workers, in Italy as well as in Europe and all around the world.
We express our indignation in face of this act for people who have simply demonstrated their dissent. We affirm that we are on the side of freedom of thought and freedom to demonstrate dissent. We think that it is not acceptable to manage every protest as a police problem. We affirm that the university is a space of freedom, confrontation and the production of knowledge. We demand the immediate release of the students and precarious workers who have been arrested.
terça-feira, dezembro 14, 2010
For a new Europe: University struggles against austerity. Meeting @ Paris, 11-13 February 2011
European Meeting of University MovementsFrom London to Vienna, from Rome to Paris, from Athens to Madrid, a new Europe is emerging. Students and precarious workers, citizens and immigrants, the multitudes are fighting for their lives and future in the front lines against the crisis.

Following the collective consensus of last years’ “Bologna Burns” meetings in Vienna, London, Paris and Bologna and this years’ “Commoninversity” held in Barcelona, Edu-Factory and the Autonomous Education Network join the call for a European meeting for all groups who are involved this common fight to create a powerful network of European of university struggle and beyond. A transnational space to discuss and develop our collective political capacity to counter the attacks against the university and social welfare and to build a new future for everyone.
Through conferences and workshops, panels and assemblies, we will propose the discussion around the key topics of the university, autonomous knowledge production, self-education, networking struggles, transnational political organization and the common.
The time is now upon us to rise up, together, collectively and singularly, to reclaim our lives and build a New Europe based on rights and access. The time has come for us to reclaim what is ours: the common.
sábado, dezembro 11, 2010
University of Puerto Rico students resume strikes
Student activists are organizing again after University of Puerto Rico administrators tried to undo the victory students won last Summer.

Students at the Río Piedras campus were among the first to go out after they held a December 1 mass assembly and voted by an overwhelming majority to strike if the administration does not rescind the new fee by December 14.
The chancellor of the Río Piedras campus used every means possible to try to stop the students from gathering, including canceling academic recess, freezing the bank account of the student council so that it couldn't pay for the sound system, and denying students the use of a space for their meeting.
But UPR students are already used to doing things the hard way, so the night before, they raised funds by approaching cars stopped at traffic lights so they could rent a sound system for the outdoor meeting that lasted five hours under the harsh rays of a sunny day at the university's athletic track.
quinta-feira, dezembro 09, 2010
Royal car attacked in protest after MPs' fee vote
A car containing Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall has been attacked amid violence after MPs voted to raise university tuition fees in England.

Prime Minister David Cameron said it was "shocking and regrettable" that protesters had attacked the prince's car. Clarence House said the royal couple were safe and attended the Royal Variety performance as scheduled.
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson said there would be a "very serious and very detailed investigation" into the disturbances, in which 10 police officers have been injured.
The vote will mean fees will almost treble to £9,000 a year. The government's majority was cut by three-quarters to 21 in a backbench rebellion. Three ministerial aides resigned. Only 28 Lib Dem MPs - less than half - voted for the government's plans for tuition fees. Six Conservative MPs voted against.
segunda-feira, dezembro 06, 2010
La vostra violenza… la nostra determinazione!
Autunno 2010: in tutta Italia studenti universitari e medi scendono in piazza per bloccare l’approvazione del ddl 1905. Rispetto al 2008, quando la legge 133 apriva la stagione di lotte per difendere il diritto allo studio, il movimento è più maturo, siamo più maturi.

A Napoli, in una settimana, le scuole, le facoltà sono state occupate (l’Orientale, Lettere e Architettura della Federico II), siamo scesi in piazza sotto la pioggia tutti i giorni, per bloccare la stazione, le strade, per sanzionare il CEPU, il Mattino, la Provincia, il Comune, Confindustria.
Ieri siamo andati al San Carlo, abbiamo legato la nostra lotta a quella più generale dei tagli alla cultura, abbiamo cominciato un’assemblea con i lavoratori e gli artisti che preparavano la prima della Tosca. Ma forse era un po’ troppo e Polizia e Carabinieri che, entrati da un ingresso secondario, hanno caricato più volte gli studenti in assemblea. Ma non hanno ottenuto nulla, hanno raccolto solo più determinazione e consapevolezza dei nostri mezzi; hanno mostrato l’intolleranza di chi non ascolta e risponde cercando di distruggere ciò che si prova a costruire: l’unità delle lotte.
Non siamo scappati, siamo rimasti insieme, anche sotto la Questura, per aspettare i due studenti fermati e subito rilasciati e poi siamo tornati all’Università, ancora in tanti. Abbiamo deciso di continuare, ci siamo guardati negli occhi e abbiamo capito che non ci avevano spaventati e costretto a fare un passo indietro; che hanno provato a farci indietreggiare ma non ci sono riusciti. Ora siamo ancora più consapevoli dei nostri mezzi e consapevoli che facciamo paura, che quella minoranza che decide sta cominciando a fare i conti con quella maggioranza che lotta.
domingo, dezembro 05, 2010
sábado, dezembro 04, 2010
If they block our future, we’ll block the city! Notes on the university mobilizations in the italian Autumn of 2010
The image of the Leaning Tower of Pisa occupied by students traveled the world over, ending up on the BBC and the front page of the Financial Times in a matter of hours. A mirror image was taken a few days later: a besieged Parliament, closed off in their backrooms to approve an unpopular law while outside the country was blocked by the new generations. Two years from the “Anomalous Wave” movement, university students are once again the ones politically translating the lurking conflict latent in the world of education.
The Gelmini law passed the House but its passage was anything but painless. The parliamentary agenda was accompanied by a week of radical organization, both intense and capillary, extending to every Italian city. The “Wave” was not followed by a tsunami but by many small shockwaves that made an already unstable government tremble for a day (the 30th of November).
The forms practiced in the mobilizations were varied: the occupation of universities, didactic suspensions, metropolitan paralysis, blocking the main nodes of transportation (stations, ports, airports), attempted interruption in institutional buildings and the squatting of national monuments.
Every initiative tried to synthesize the radicalism and the communicative nature in their acts. Protest actions generally resulted from assembly discussions between hundreds of people and virally circulated across social networks, not excluding word-of-mouth and direct communication, reinforced by assembly practices as reclamation of commonfare practices.
Click here to read the full text...Class struggle in Temples of Knowledge
Intelligence for seizing the moment, the political use of the network, bending mainstream communication devices, ability to synthesize a wide political discourse; all these attributes confirm how the highest political composition of class in the country is condensed into the student today.
Comments and editorials seem to be aware of this, macroscopic if compared with the misery and auto-referentiality of political parties and presumed social élites. From the newspaper Repubblica to cultural circles, all the way to the random gestures of opposition leaders (which, however, have been mostly ignored by students), everyone realizes, suddenly, that students are here and that they are not pacified whatsoever, nor have they been reabsorbed into the current productive and political configuration.
If the empathy that the movement draws out is an acquired and pacific fact, the challenge that these bodies thrown into the Italian piazza are posing isn’t so. The pure face of a subject that talks about “saving the public university” is easy to like, the political sense of an alternative system less so. There is the impression that behind the (thinly veiled) acquiescent façade that a part of the cultural lobbies are putting up towards the students, there is a deep fear of much broader claims and a terror that these claims find conflictual generalization throughout the entire social body.
This is because the questions that students are asking, whether they know it or not, are directly linked with a social stratification that is evermore brutal and rigid and that seems to be the only possible future for new generations. A stratification in which access to the university no longer functions as a principle line of demarcation, having been totally incorporated into the corporate university, with an infinity of artificial conflicts that determine the rhythms of any academic career according to the logic of differential inclusion.
This is why students, from their first year of enrollment, have the experience of being inside a gigantic factory in which every passage is already determined while they are constantly hearing voices from the outside telling them not to have any illusions about their working future.
The pubic school has always worked like a double track anyway: on one hand an institution of social promotion, on the other a mass disciplinary machine for future workers and citizens – a kind of macro social regulator that guaranteed the exchange between consensus and future promises in a systemic framework.
With the crisis of stockholding capitalism, school’s mediating function has completely broken down, now acting like a mere parking lot: “no more upward mobility” says Capital to the new generations.
Underneath the hashed and rehashed slogans of the inviolability of Culture, the specter of class struggle is haunting the Temples of Knowledge.
European Framework, Italian Anomaly
These observations force us to make both a more general comparison and a correct declination of the question at the height (or the gravity) of the Italian anomaly.
The student mobilizations this fall should be interpreted on multiple levels. One immediate and contingent one, in the occasion of the parliamentary discussion on the Gelmini law; a continental one, that measures the propagation of student mobilizations on a European scale; and a third, that identifies the link between renewed conflict in education and the financial crisis.
The House of Representatives passing the law is interesting above all for the space of political subjectification that is opened inside a composition that the previous Wave partially participated in. More than a result, it is important to measure the growth of subjective potency that this brief but intense experience has produced. Even if the numbers aren’t as high as the Wave, the force of the new movement must be measured in its capacity to produce an acceleration and radicalness in social movements. Everything happened in under two weeks but has left a deep impression in the subjective constitution of the many people who participated in such a brief but intense season of struggle. Grand discussions made way for a more direct need for action and intervention. How to affect change, disrupt and hurt the adversary have been the main questions. For the first time, students effectively went on strike directly inside the corporate university, sometimes even being able to totally paralyze didactic and administrative functions. All this over the whole surface of society, asking what it means to go on strike today, to interrupt the whole capitalist cycle. This is where the reasons behind metropolitan blocks and the interruption of traffic and communication fluxes come from.
On this level, the European lesson – especially from France – has been indispensable.
At least since 2006, with the anti-CPE movement (maybe with some timid anticipatory elements from the Italian struggle against the Moratti reform in 2005), the struggles across the world of education are, in all senses, conflicts that call labor legislation into question. Since then, with yearly punctuality, these struggles have been seen in practically every European country, stronger in Western European countries (France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria and now England) and in a somewhat lighter but significant form in newly acquired states (like Lithuania and the Czech Republic). The capillary and common denominator of all these movements point toward a great cycle of struggle against the “Bologna Process” with which, only 10 years ago, the constituting European Union foresaw the homogenization of higher learning on the continent.
When one speaks of homogenization, standardization is always intended. This means regularization of difference (which could instead be a resource) but also promotion; a homogeneity that aims at bettering things, to the highest degree. It didn’t work. To stay within these bothersome “European parameters”, the Bologna Process was articulated across the board as education and research cuts. On a deeper level, it tried to redefine education as the production of precarious and flexible workers who held the qualities asked for by businesses and companies.
The European student struggles over these last 5 years should be interpreted as the standstill and failure of this process.
If we look at what is happening in Ireland today, and the promises that these measures are announcing for other pieces of Europe, we can measure how the failure of the Bologna Process somehow accompanies the failure of the European Union as an exclusively Money First union.
The last and most important level that this struggle (and all the other ones that are investing the world of education even outside of Europe) must be measured on is its direct contact with financialization devices.
The Gelmini reform has the tendency of prospecting a complete dumping of educational costs from public spending to individual students, through the institution of ‘debt’ that students will have to negotiate with banks in order to enroll and follow courses. A mortgage on one’s own future that has already been the norm in Anglo-Saxon countries for years. Last year American students and this fall English students revolted against the intensification of this very device. The university planned by Gelmini, Tremonti and Sacconi goes in this direction, with the wholly Italian particularity of having many other resources available. Tracing the lines that connect these movements, even though geographically distant and different in the power of numbers and radicalness, is indispensible for understanding what grounds we will have to fight on in the coming years. The first answers that we have observed and participated in over the last few years demonstrate how new student movements are the principle, and at the moment the only organized reaction to the global financial crisis.
The Legacy of the Wave: Steps Ahead and Unanswered Questions
Having measured the multidimensional and problematic light that this new and important season of struggle must be seen in, before looking beyond and moving forward, a comparison to the previous cycle of mobilizations in and around education it might be useful.
The Wave movement that spread throughout every university in the fall of 2008 represented a breath of fresh air in the Italian swamp. The slogan “We won’t pay for the crisis” synthesized an attentive interpretation of the current situation and became a political program for struggles to come, identifying the crisis as an anchorage point from the point of view of the actions of precarious subjects and students.
As many have already stresses, the importance of this movement couldn’t be limited to its success or failure in blocking the reform. Rightly so, a symptomatic approach aimed at gathering the new and possible elements that a new social composition offered prevailed. The result of this struggle pushes us to the same considerations.
Yet, even in repetition, new and significant differences have emerged.
The dominant rhetoric of the Wave sketched a uniform university of students equally affected by the proposed reform. Rectors, professors, researchers and students were all on the same plane, omitting the material reality of hierarchies, powers and roles.
This weakness, that the counter-rhetoric took advantage of, was confirmed by the constant obsession of students looking for support from professors and university élites. As if the requests of the movement were not strong enough to do without their baptizing. Today, the movement has mostly done without this “support”. It hasn’t even looked for it, the memories of the previous experience still freshly vivid.
This contradiction, that has always been inherent to the world of education, has remerged in a condensed form in the struggle of the researchers who threatened and practiced their “unavailability” of bearing the burden of excess work imposed by the corporate university.
An exemplary moment of the battle happened at the beginning of the academic year with the Rector of Bologna threatening to suspend and replace any researchers who refused this burden. Many spoke of the “Marchionne Model” applied to the university. During an interview, one researcher from Bologna refused this representation, preferring to talk about a “sense of responsibility” for the fate of the public university. Inside what was expressed as a conflict of opposite and partial interests the adage of the general interest popped up.
Between becoming class and staying corporation, Italian researchers chose the latter, being easier in the short term but a losing strategy in the long run. As this movement and the Wave before it have demonstrated, only students have the numbers and the quality for overturning the whole of power relations inside the university. Researchers certainly occupy a central role in the corporate university. Strategically, however, they have to know how to understand a political alliance with students as necessary and immediate, abandoning any velleity of integration and collaboration with a university élite that wholly incarnates the emperor’s clothes.
The Next Step: Generalizing the Protest
Politically recomposing conflictual subjects inside university departments isn’t enough! If, as we have suggested, the last few years have been witness to a virtuous circularity of reciprocal stimulus and grit between student movements on a European level, looking towards Europe also means understanding the processes of generalization and transversal character of the social conflict that some of these experiences are starting to show.
For the first time in France, we have seen the limits that cunningly confined the limits of student struggle with a dominant media narration broken. It is true that the occasion was offered by a space of wider social struggle, by an unprecedented attack against Labor and Welfare. But what is significant is that high school and university students were blocking their institutions and the streets… all to oppose a retirement reform! This gesture is immediately political for how it breaks the fences of the social and generational compartmentalization that biopower uses to segment and control social struggles.
Taking advantage of this means continuing down a double and simultaneous path: coming out of the universities to socialize the struggle and bringing what is starting to move against the crisis and the measures ordered by the other side into the Academy. What has always been practiced by small avant-gardes must be socialized as the commonfare of the most generic student composition. If it is true that students have been the first to explicitly oppose crisis capitalism, it is also true that they can’t do it alone, in Italy and elsewhere. How to continue and intensify a constant practice of aperture, circulation and connection between struggles must therefore be posed as our main objective over the next few months.
Right now, Italian students are facing several important deadlines: the Senate discussion of the law and the construction of a national day of mobilization against the Berlusconi government on the 14th of December. Both of these occasions will continue to be infused with the call for a general strike by the main Italian union, the CGIL. These important moments for speaking out cannot, however, overshadow: 1) necessary work to be done and constant internal sabotage of the reform; and 2) the preparation and organization of the coming conflicts.
The Gelmini law passed the House but its passage was anything but painless. The parliamentary agenda was accompanied by a week of radical organization, both intense and capillary, extending to every Italian city. The “Wave” was not followed by a tsunami but by many small shockwaves that made an already unstable government tremble for a day (the 30th of November).
The forms practiced in the mobilizations were varied: the occupation of universities, didactic suspensions, metropolitan paralysis, blocking the main nodes of transportation (stations, ports, airports), attempted interruption in institutional buildings and the squatting of national monuments.
Every initiative tried to synthesize the radicalism and the communicative nature in their acts. Protest actions generally resulted from assembly discussions between hundreds of people and virally circulated across social networks, not excluding word-of-mouth and direct communication, reinforced by assembly practices as reclamation of commonfare practices.
Click here to read the full text...Class struggle in Temples of Knowledge
Intelligence for seizing the moment, the political use of the network, bending mainstream communication devices, ability to synthesize a wide political discourse; all these attributes confirm how the highest political composition of class in the country is condensed into the student today.
Comments and editorials seem to be aware of this, macroscopic if compared with the misery and auto-referentiality of political parties and presumed social élites. From the newspaper Repubblica to cultural circles, all the way to the random gestures of opposition leaders (which, however, have been mostly ignored by students), everyone realizes, suddenly, that students are here and that they are not pacified whatsoever, nor have they been reabsorbed into the current productive and political configuration.
If the empathy that the movement draws out is an acquired and pacific fact, the challenge that these bodies thrown into the Italian piazza are posing isn’t so. The pure face of a subject that talks about “saving the public university” is easy to like, the political sense of an alternative system less so. There is the impression that behind the (thinly veiled) acquiescent façade that a part of the cultural lobbies are putting up towards the students, there is a deep fear of much broader claims and a terror that these claims find conflictual generalization throughout the entire social body.
This is because the questions that students are asking, whether they know it or not, are directly linked with a social stratification that is evermore brutal and rigid and that seems to be the only possible future for new generations. A stratification in which access to the university no longer functions as a principle line of demarcation, having been totally incorporated into the corporate university, with an infinity of artificial conflicts that determine the rhythms of any academic career according to the logic of differential inclusion.
This is why students, from their first year of enrollment, have the experience of being inside a gigantic factory in which every passage is already determined while they are constantly hearing voices from the outside telling them not to have any illusions about their working future.
The pubic school has always worked like a double track anyway: on one hand an institution of social promotion, on the other a mass disciplinary machine for future workers and citizens – a kind of macro social regulator that guaranteed the exchange between consensus and future promises in a systemic framework.
With the crisis of stockholding capitalism, school’s mediating function has completely broken down, now acting like a mere parking lot: “no more upward mobility” says Capital to the new generations.
Underneath the hashed and rehashed slogans of the inviolability of Culture, the specter of class struggle is haunting the Temples of Knowledge.
European Framework, Italian Anomaly
These observations force us to make both a more general comparison and a correct declination of the question at the height (or the gravity) of the Italian anomaly.
The student mobilizations this fall should be interpreted on multiple levels. One immediate and contingent one, in the occasion of the parliamentary discussion on the Gelmini law; a continental one, that measures the propagation of student mobilizations on a European scale; and a third, that identifies the link between renewed conflict in education and the financial crisis.
The House of Representatives passing the law is interesting above all for the space of political subjectification that is opened inside a composition that the previous Wave partially participated in. More than a result, it is important to measure the growth of subjective potency that this brief but intense experience has produced. Even if the numbers aren’t as high as the Wave, the force of the new movement must be measured in its capacity to produce an acceleration and radicalness in social movements. Everything happened in under two weeks but has left a deep impression in the subjective constitution of the many people who participated in such a brief but intense season of struggle. Grand discussions made way for a more direct need for action and intervention. How to affect change, disrupt and hurt the adversary have been the main questions. For the first time, students effectively went on strike directly inside the corporate university, sometimes even being able to totally paralyze didactic and administrative functions. All this over the whole surface of society, asking what it means to go on strike today, to interrupt the whole capitalist cycle. This is where the reasons behind metropolitan blocks and the interruption of traffic and communication fluxes come from.
On this level, the European lesson – especially from France – has been indispensable.
At least since 2006, with the anti-CPE movement (maybe with some timid anticipatory elements from the Italian struggle against the Moratti reform in 2005), the struggles across the world of education are, in all senses, conflicts that call labor legislation into question. Since then, with yearly punctuality, these struggles have been seen in practically every European country, stronger in Western European countries (France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria and now England) and in a somewhat lighter but significant form in newly acquired states (like Lithuania and the Czech Republic). The capillary and common denominator of all these movements point toward a great cycle of struggle against the “Bologna Process” with which, only 10 years ago, the constituting European Union foresaw the homogenization of higher learning on the continent.
When one speaks of homogenization, standardization is always intended. This means regularization of difference (which could instead be a resource) but also promotion; a homogeneity that aims at bettering things, to the highest degree. It didn’t work. To stay within these bothersome “European parameters”, the Bologna Process was articulated across the board as education and research cuts. On a deeper level, it tried to redefine education as the production of precarious and flexible workers who held the qualities asked for by businesses and companies.
The European student struggles over these last 5 years should be interpreted as the standstill and failure of this process.
If we look at what is happening in Ireland today, and the promises that these measures are announcing for other pieces of Europe, we can measure how the failure of the Bologna Process somehow accompanies the failure of the European Union as an exclusively Money First union.
The last and most important level that this struggle (and all the other ones that are investing the world of education even outside of Europe) must be measured on is its direct contact with financialization devices.
The Gelmini reform has the tendency of prospecting a complete dumping of educational costs from public spending to individual students, through the institution of ‘debt’ that students will have to negotiate with banks in order to enroll and follow courses. A mortgage on one’s own future that has already been the norm in Anglo-Saxon countries for years. Last year American students and this fall English students revolted against the intensification of this very device. The university planned by Gelmini, Tremonti and Sacconi goes in this direction, with the wholly Italian particularity of having many other resources available. Tracing the lines that connect these movements, even though geographically distant and different in the power of numbers and radicalness, is indispensible for understanding what grounds we will have to fight on in the coming years. The first answers that we have observed and participated in over the last few years demonstrate how new student movements are the principle, and at the moment the only organized reaction to the global financial crisis.
The Legacy of the Wave: Steps Ahead and Unanswered Questions
Having measured the multidimensional and problematic light that this new and important season of struggle must be seen in, before looking beyond and moving forward, a comparison to the previous cycle of mobilizations in and around education it might be useful.
The Wave movement that spread throughout every university in the fall of 2008 represented a breath of fresh air in the Italian swamp. The slogan “We won’t pay for the crisis” synthesized an attentive interpretation of the current situation and became a political program for struggles to come, identifying the crisis as an anchorage point from the point of view of the actions of precarious subjects and students.
As many have already stresses, the importance of this movement couldn’t be limited to its success or failure in blocking the reform. Rightly so, a symptomatic approach aimed at gathering the new and possible elements that a new social composition offered prevailed. The result of this struggle pushes us to the same considerations.
Yet, even in repetition, new and significant differences have emerged.
The dominant rhetoric of the Wave sketched a uniform university of students equally affected by the proposed reform. Rectors, professors, researchers and students were all on the same plane, omitting the material reality of hierarchies, powers and roles.
This weakness, that the counter-rhetoric took advantage of, was confirmed by the constant obsession of students looking for support from professors and university élites. As if the requests of the movement were not strong enough to do without their baptizing. Today, the movement has mostly done without this “support”. It hasn’t even looked for it, the memories of the previous experience still freshly vivid.
This contradiction, that has always been inherent to the world of education, has remerged in a condensed form in the struggle of the researchers who threatened and practiced their “unavailability” of bearing the burden of excess work imposed by the corporate university.
An exemplary moment of the battle happened at the beginning of the academic year with the Rector of Bologna threatening to suspend and replace any researchers who refused this burden. Many spoke of the “Marchionne Model” applied to the university. During an interview, one researcher from Bologna refused this representation, preferring to talk about a “sense of responsibility” for the fate of the public university. Inside what was expressed as a conflict of opposite and partial interests the adage of the general interest popped up.
Between becoming class and staying corporation, Italian researchers chose the latter, being easier in the short term but a losing strategy in the long run. As this movement and the Wave before it have demonstrated, only students have the numbers and the quality for overturning the whole of power relations inside the university. Researchers certainly occupy a central role in the corporate university. Strategically, however, they have to know how to understand a political alliance with students as necessary and immediate, abandoning any velleity of integration and collaboration with a university élite that wholly incarnates the emperor’s clothes.
The Next Step: Generalizing the Protest
Politically recomposing conflictual subjects inside university departments isn’t enough! If, as we have suggested, the last few years have been witness to a virtuous circularity of reciprocal stimulus and grit between student movements on a European level, looking towards Europe also means understanding the processes of generalization and transversal character of the social conflict that some of these experiences are starting to show.
For the first time in France, we have seen the limits that cunningly confined the limits of student struggle with a dominant media narration broken. It is true that the occasion was offered by a space of wider social struggle, by an unprecedented attack against Labor and Welfare. But what is significant is that high school and university students were blocking their institutions and the streets… all to oppose a retirement reform! This gesture is immediately political for how it breaks the fences of the social and generational compartmentalization that biopower uses to segment and control social struggles.
Taking advantage of this means continuing down a double and simultaneous path: coming out of the universities to socialize the struggle and bringing what is starting to move against the crisis and the measures ordered by the other side into the Academy. What has always been practiced by small avant-gardes must be socialized as the commonfare of the most generic student composition. If it is true that students have been the first to explicitly oppose crisis capitalism, it is also true that they can’t do it alone, in Italy and elsewhere. How to continue and intensify a constant practice of aperture, circulation and connection between struggles must therefore be posed as our main objective over the next few months.
Right now, Italian students are facing several important deadlines: the Senate discussion of the law and the construction of a national day of mobilization against the Berlusconi government on the 14th of December. Both of these occasions will continue to be infused with the call for a general strike by the main Italian union, the CGIL. These important moments for speaking out cannot, however, overshadow: 1) necessary work to be done and constant internal sabotage of the reform; and 2) the preparation and organization of the coming conflicts.
sexta-feira, dezembro 03, 2010
US education and the crisis, by Michael Hardt
Governments across the globe are dramatically reducing funding for public education and raising university tuition rates. These measures are often cast as a response to the current economic crisis but really their implementation began well before it. Whereas in Britain, Italy, and other European countries students battle police in the streets and experiment with new means to protest such government actions, there is a relative calm on U.S. campuses.
Forty and fifty years ago US student movements were among the most active and innovative in the world, not only protesting against militarism, racism, and other social hierarchies but demanding a democratic reform of the education system. Why today do US student movements appear so far behind in response to this global crisis of education?
There have, in fact, been significant student protests in the U.S. in recent years that have not received widespread attention. The most important of these are the student movements to protest raises in tuition in the public university system in the state of California. Tuition in the University of California system had risen gradually to double over the course of a decade but the sudden additional increase of 32% in November 2009 set off the student protests. In the largest and most widespread actions on US campuses since the 1970s, students occupied university buildings and mounted demonstrations.
The primary focus of the California students has been the social inequality created by higher tuition rates and lower funding of the university as a whole. The poor are obviously the first and most severely affected by the changes. The widening class division, the students insistently point out, corresponds closely to racial divisions, since black and Latino students constitute a large portion of those most affected by the higher tuition fees.
The modest successes in the project to open university education to a wider population in a previous era are being gradually reversed. For the past 30 years, explains Christopher Newfield, professor at the University of California Santa Barbara, “the public universities, which most US students attend, have been systematically underfunded, restricting all educational gains to the top quarter of students by income and destroying the country’s previous global advantage in educational attainment.”
Click here to read the full articleThe California student movement has been significant but not nearly as intense, widespread, or sustained as its counterparts in Europe. One obvious reason for this difference is that changes in the US university have been more gradual and smaller. Tuition at public universities has long been higher in the US than in most of Europe and recent increases have been relatively modest. The 32% increase in California in 2009 is dwarfed by the proposed increase in Britain of nearly 300%. A second factor that could contribute to less student protest in the United States is that university conditions are not unified at the national level. Public university funding and tuition rates vary widely in different states and the extensive system of private universities creates even more significant variation.
The most significant reason for less student activism in the United States, however, may derive from a much deeper national condition. The social value placed on education for all, especially higher education, has declined dramatically. This is certainly true for other countries as well but the fall has been more precipitous in the United States. Student politics can only gain a powerful voice when university education is a social priority.
Consider, in contrast, the US government response to the “Sputnik crisis.” Within the frame of cold war logic, the Soviet launch of the Sputnik satellite was considered a challenge to US security and its position in the global system. In response the United States substantially increased university funding, especially in science and technology. The mission was not limited to advanced scientific training or to military advances but rather spread though all levels of the education system, with widespread and varied consequences. Even Donna Haraway, the pioneering feminist theorist, often refers to herself as a “child of Sputnik.”
The increase of knowledge and intelligence across society was a national priority. Mass education advances contributed directly to the economic growth of the US economy. And furthermore, in the context of this educational project, the student protests of the 1960s and 70s found a loud voice in national debates.
Whereas one can say that the launch of Sputnik made the United States smarter, the attacks of September 11th, perceived as the primary challenge to the national position in this period, only made the country more stupid. The “war on terror” has given priority only to the most limited military and technological knowledges and the idiocy of security dominates public discourse. In this atmosphere arguments for advances in mass public education as well as student demands for equal and open access to the university carry little weight.
The importance of mass education for economic development is no less today than it was 50 years ago, but the economic significance of the fields of education have changed. Along with a wide range of economists, Toni Negri and I argue that in recent decades the dominant sector of the economy has shifted from industrial production to what we call biopolitical production, la production de l’homme par l’homme, involving the creation of ideas, images, code, affects, and other immaterial goods. If this is true, then the mass education of engineers and scientists is no longer the primary key to economic competitiveness. In the biopolitical economy mass intelligence – even and especially linguistic, conceptual, and social capacities – are what drive economic innovation.
University policies throughout the world have not kept pace with these changes. The private money that universities solicit to compensate for the decline in public funding is dedicated overwhelmingly to technical and scientific fields. The human sciences, which are increasingly relevant in the biopolitical economy, are deprived of funds and wither. In this case the student demands actually point in the direction of economic prosperity. The current student protests thus reconfirm a general rule of politics, that social struggles proceed and prefigure social development.
I am generally skeptical about laments of the decline of American civilization. In fact, I foresee the loss of military dominance heralding a much more dynamic and creative period of US social development. But the failure to make mass education at all levels a social priority is certainly one factor indicative of decline. And I interpret the relative calm of US campuses in face of economic crisis and cuts as a symptom of that problem.
Forty and fifty years ago US student movements were among the most active and innovative in the world, not only protesting against militarism, racism, and other social hierarchies but demanding a democratic reform of the education system. Why today do US student movements appear so far behind in response to this global crisis of education?
There have, in fact, been significant student protests in the U.S. in recent years that have not received widespread attention. The most important of these are the student movements to protest raises in tuition in the public university system in the state of California. Tuition in the University of California system had risen gradually to double over the course of a decade but the sudden additional increase of 32% in November 2009 set off the student protests. In the largest and most widespread actions on US campuses since the 1970s, students occupied university buildings and mounted demonstrations.
The primary focus of the California students has been the social inequality created by higher tuition rates and lower funding of the university as a whole. The poor are obviously the first and most severely affected by the changes. The widening class division, the students insistently point out, corresponds closely to racial divisions, since black and Latino students constitute a large portion of those most affected by the higher tuition fees.
The modest successes in the project to open university education to a wider population in a previous era are being gradually reversed. For the past 30 years, explains Christopher Newfield, professor at the University of California Santa Barbara, “the public universities, which most US students attend, have been systematically underfunded, restricting all educational gains to the top quarter of students by income and destroying the country’s previous global advantage in educational attainment.”
Click here to read the full articleThe California student movement has been significant but not nearly as intense, widespread, or sustained as its counterparts in Europe. One obvious reason for this difference is that changes in the US university have been more gradual and smaller. Tuition at public universities has long been higher in the US than in most of Europe and recent increases have been relatively modest. The 32% increase in California in 2009 is dwarfed by the proposed increase in Britain of nearly 300%. A second factor that could contribute to less student protest in the United States is that university conditions are not unified at the national level. Public university funding and tuition rates vary widely in different states and the extensive system of private universities creates even more significant variation.
The most significant reason for less student activism in the United States, however, may derive from a much deeper national condition. The social value placed on education for all, especially higher education, has declined dramatically. This is certainly true for other countries as well but the fall has been more precipitous in the United States. Student politics can only gain a powerful voice when university education is a social priority.
Consider, in contrast, the US government response to the “Sputnik crisis.” Within the frame of cold war logic, the Soviet launch of the Sputnik satellite was considered a challenge to US security and its position in the global system. In response the United States substantially increased university funding, especially in science and technology. The mission was not limited to advanced scientific training or to military advances but rather spread though all levels of the education system, with widespread and varied consequences. Even Donna Haraway, the pioneering feminist theorist, often refers to herself as a “child of Sputnik.”
The increase of knowledge and intelligence across society was a national priority. Mass education advances contributed directly to the economic growth of the US economy. And furthermore, in the context of this educational project, the student protests of the 1960s and 70s found a loud voice in national debates.
Whereas one can say that the launch of Sputnik made the United States smarter, the attacks of September 11th, perceived as the primary challenge to the national position in this period, only made the country more stupid. The “war on terror” has given priority only to the most limited military and technological knowledges and the idiocy of security dominates public discourse. In this atmosphere arguments for advances in mass public education as well as student demands for equal and open access to the university carry little weight.
The importance of mass education for economic development is no less today than it was 50 years ago, but the economic significance of the fields of education have changed. Along with a wide range of economists, Toni Negri and I argue that in recent decades the dominant sector of the economy has shifted from industrial production to what we call biopolitical production, la production de l’homme par l’homme, involving the creation of ideas, images, code, affects, and other immaterial goods. If this is true, then the mass education of engineers and scientists is no longer the primary key to economic competitiveness. In the biopolitical economy mass intelligence – even and especially linguistic, conceptual, and social capacities – are what drive economic innovation.
University policies throughout the world have not kept pace with these changes. The private money that universities solicit to compensate for the decline in public funding is dedicated overwhelmingly to technical and scientific fields. The human sciences, which are increasingly relevant in the biopolitical economy, are deprived of funds and wither. In this case the student demands actually point in the direction of economic prosperity. The current student protests thus reconfirm a general rule of politics, that social struggles proceed and prefigure social development.
I am generally skeptical about laments of the decline of American civilization. In fact, I foresee the loss of military dominance heralding a much more dynamic and creative period of US social development. But the failure to make mass education at all levels a social priority is certainly one factor indicative of decline. And I interpret the relative calm of US campuses in face of economic crisis and cuts as a symptom of that problem.
quinta-feira, dezembro 02, 2010
It's now or never: British students call national demonstration for 9th December as Parliament votes on fees
Clare Solomon, President of London University, launched the greatest round of student activism yet as parliament set a date for a vote on the hike in tuition fees.

She said: 'We want every college occupied in the run up to this demonstration. We want every occupation to be an organising centre for booking coaches and mobilising students for this demonstration.'
'Teachers and lecturers need to send a clear statement to their managements that schools and colleges are going to be closed on that day and that they will be on the streets with the students'.
'This is the fight of our lives and we don't intend to lose it'
John Rees from the Coalition of Resistance said: 'I expect many working people to be out with the students on the 9th December. They know that the students are just the start and that the government will be coming after them next.'
He added: 'The Coalition of Resistance will be working flat out to make this a huge demonstration and we are saying to people all over the country 'be here now, your future and that of your children is at stake'.
terça-feira, novembro 30, 2010
Attacks on Education and Student Resistance
A text by Julian Brophy about the students strong fights at Ireland Higher Education.On the 3rd of November about 30,000 people took to the streets of Dublin in what has been dubbed “the biggest Irish student demonstration of a generation”.
Currently the Irish higher educational system is “free”, meaning that students don't pay full tuition fees (as opposed to England for example). The government subsidises higher education to a large extent, and students pay an annual registration fee at the beginning of every college year. In the '08/'09 academic year, the registration fee was 900 Euros per year. In 09/10 the government delivered a staggering blow to Irish education, raising the registration fee to 1,500 Euros per year. In the midst of the plunging the country into unprecedented levels of debt, and failing to handle the economic crisis, the government turned to the education system for easy money once again. Fianna Fail (the Irish ruling party) proposed to raise the registration fee by a further 1,500 Euros, equaling a grand total of 3,000 Euros per student, per year, to attend university. This time however, the government and its law enforcers were met with a very different reaction.
The 3rd of November protest was a surprise to the country in many ways. The most striking feature of the demonstration was the mass mobilisation of tens of thousands of students from every university across the country, resulting in one of the largest student protests in Irish history. The second striking feature was the atmosphere of
energy, anger, and an invigorated student movement on the streets of Dublin.
Click here to read the full text...The routine for student marches in Dublin is usually this: gather at
Parnell Square at 1PM, march down past the Dail (government buildings), listen to speakers on a podium, go home. The 3rd of November however was significantly different. As the demonstration progressed along its path, about 2,000 people broke away from the main protest and marched to Merrion Row, where the Department of Finance is located, and about thirty students made it inside and staged a symbolic occupation of the front lobby, with hundreds outside showing support. At this point the gardai resorted to their heavy-handed and repressive tactics, calling in the riot squad, dog unit, and mounted gardai on horses. Violent clashes broke out between protestors and the police, as the gardai violently attempted to disperse the crowds.
Students were beaten badly, some ended up in hospital and others arrested. But unlike the student protests of two years ago when the government attempted to reintroduce full fees, students did not back down. The 3rd of November was a victory for the students of Ireland, and for the solidarity amongst people who are suffering the rippling effects of the government's cutback agenda. A further indication of Irish student movement's fresh vigour was a 500 person strong protest against the Garda brutality of the day which took place the following week.
In the midst of financial turmoil and colossal IMF/ECB bailouts, the situation in regard to the future of education in Ireland remains unclear. The government has not yet unveiled precise plans, but it has ensured that the registration fee will not go up to 3,000 Euros. What is certain however is that after plunging the country into economic disaster, the government will certainly announce a significant registration increase and cutbacks to university funding.
The effects of this will be devastating to students and their families in particular, but to the Irish working class in general. The USI (Union of Students in Ireland) has estimated that it costs a student/family an average of 10,000 Euros per year to send a student to university (registration, books, travel etc.). The idea of increasing this burden further in times like these, under the facade of “free education”, is a violent attack on working people's living standards. An Irish Times survey showed that in more socio-economically deprived areas of Dublin like Blanchardstown and Finglas, the university attendance rate for students having completed their leaving cert (secondary school diploma) is between 10-14% (while in many affluent parts of South Dublin the rate is close to 100%). If these communities are disadvantaged now, then their hopes of participating in higher education after the budget announcement are close to zero, because the money simply is not there!
Not only will students and workers suffer, but universities themselves will suffer tremendously also. Cutbacks in college services will be rampant, library hours will be cut, health charges implemented, and college workers (like cleaning staff especially) will be made redundant. In the light of pursuing a profitable knowledge based economy that will serve the needs of capital, resources for the Humanities and the Social and Political Sciences will be slashed; and blatant precedence will be given to profitable disciplines like Sciences and Business.
The threatened cutbacks in education are part of a broader agenda of attempting to make people who create wealth pay for the mistakes of bankers, politicians and bureaucrats who had too much of it and grossly mismanaged it. The December 7th Budget will be a staggering blow to workers, students, pensioners, welfare recipients and so on.
Mass mobilisation is planned for the weeks ahead, with a heavy and widespread focus on budget day. Anger at having been ridiculed by the bankers and their puppet government is everywhere in Irish society right now; but prevalent throughout it also is a strong sense of solidarity. Lecturers and unions have defended the students and have spoken out verbosely against the repressive measures used by the gardai on the 3rd of November. Students are mobilising very heavily in support of the upcoming protests (one on the 27th of November against the ECB/IMF deal, and then the huge one on the 7th of December for Budget Day), with radical public meetings on weekly in colleges across the country and student-activist groups like Free Education for Everyone and Students in Solidarity beginning to gain strength again.
It feels as if a fuse has been lit in Irish society that the powerful won't be able to extinguish, and the explosion could go off any day now."
sexta-feira, novembro 26, 2010
Student debt surpasses credit card debt @ USA
The amount U.S. students owe for tuition loans has surpassed what credit card borrowers owe for the first time, a private researcher said.Mark Kantrowitz, publisher of and, said student debt totals $850 billion, The Detroit Free Press reported. Revolving debt reported by the Federal Reserve Bank dropped to $827.8 billion in July.
With the recession forcing many to return to school, student borrowing rose 25 percent in 2009, skyrocketing to meet circumstantial demands of those who are out of work.
Concurrently, the recession has weighed heavily on consumer spending. Tuition hikes have also outstripped inflation for the past 20 years, the newspaper said.
"Students are far worse off today with student loan debt," said Alan Collinge, who manages an online student forum called
quinta-feira, novembro 25, 2010
In Italy: stop the country, take back the future!

These are very intense days in Italy: final cuts to the university has created a huge mobilization all over the country.
Tens of universities, more than 200 schools and even more colleges are going to be occupied this night: if Parliament is going to approve the education Reform, students will go on occupying everything.
An entire generation is rebelling against the destruction of the university and the dismantling of research.
We reclaim for welfare and free research against debt and lobbies, we want funding for education and university to create our own future, we block university and city, we reclaim our future!
Much more info @ UniRiot.Org
Students occupy University of Ottawa (@ Canada) administrative offices

- 4% for returning undergraduate students and 4.5% for new undergraduate students;
- 4% for returning graduate students and 8% for new graduate students;
- 4% for returning international students and 8% for new international students.
As demonstrated at the Townhall on Tuition Fees last week, students across the board are demanding that post-secondary education become more accessible. It is both disgraceful and inappropriate that our administration could hold such a townhall, and yet disregard all input received from us, the students, who will now will suffer the consequences of further inaccessible education. As demonstrated by the already increasingly over-used and straining services of the uOttawa Food Bank, student poverty is increasing. Yet, the Board of Governors has hiked our tuition fees once again, leaving us wondering: did we ever have a chance, or was the decision made without a second thought?
The group occupying the administrative office has the following demands:
- That the University of Ottawa administration and the Board of Governors reverse its decision on tuition fees increases, and instead freeze tuition fees at the current tuition fee rate until inflation makes it necessary (2052) to increase tuition fees;
- That the University of Ottawa administration formally sign an agreement and enact the necessary changes to allow a more representative amount of student seats upon the Board of Governors, in the area of 51%;
- A comprehensive study to be conducted in which a multitude to plans will be created that would be necessary for eliminating tuition fees.
Yet, such campaigns and all their requests have been ignored time and time again. The occupation and rallies today show that students will not back down, be ignored or be silenced. We will continue the fight for accessible post-secondary education until we win!
The students, united, will never be defeated!!!
Estudantes ingleses ocupam Universidades
Milhares de estudantes voltaram a protestar em Inglaterra contra o aumento das taxas anuais de empréstimos estudantis cobradas pelas Universidades. Uma viatura policial já foi atacada no centro de Londres e várias Universidades foram ocupadas.Milhares de estudantes voltaram ontem às ruas de Londres em nova onda de protestos contra o aumento nas taxas anuais de empréstimos estudantis cobradas pelas Universidades inglesas.
Segundo avança a BBC Brasil, os estudantes ocuparam universidades em Plymouth, Birmingham, Londres e Bristol e estão a ser efectuadas marchas e protestos noutras universidades e colégios de Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield, Oxford, Cambridge, Leeds e Newcastle, bem como em várias cidades da Escócia.
Antes dos protestos de ontem o vice-primeiro-ministro, Nick Clegg, pediu que os estudantes voltassem a analisar os planos de aumento dos empréstimos estudantis antes de participar nas manifestações. "Examinem as nossas propostas antes de irem para as ruas. Escutem e analisem antes de marchar e gritar", pediu Clegg.
O plano do Governo britânico é cortar o orçamento para a educação superior até 40% e eliminar as bolsas para professores, salvo as de ciência e matemática. Outros custos devem passar a ser financiados pelo aumento nas taxas dos empréstimos estudantis, que seriam elevadas a partir de 2012.
Os estudantes não atenderam ao pedido de Clegg e vieram mesmo para as ruas onde já existiram confrontos com as autoridades. Uma viatura policial foi cercada e atacada pelos estudantes e, caso os protestos se tornem mais violentos, a polícia já alertou que fará detenções.
Na manifestação de 10 de Novembro, na qual estiveram entre 20 mil e 50 mil pessoas e que terminou com 66 detenções, as forças policiais foram surpreendidas pelos manifestantes, que invadiram a sede do partido conservador, em Londres.
Vídeos das manifestações em Londres, Liverpool e Manchester.
quarta-feira, novembro 24, 2010
Commoniversity: doing Politics with Knowledge in the Transformations of the Global University

This is a gathering of anomalous universities. We have chosen this adjective, rather than free, experimental, nomad or popular, for two reasons. Firstly, to highlight the fact that these are unregulated spaces of education and research that move within coordinates at odds with those of the ‘knowledge market’. Secondly, to emphasize the link with the ‘anomalous wave’ movement characterized by campus occupations and general mobilization in European Universities over the last two years.
This is a European meeting. Around twenty projects from across the continent will participate in various discussions around the transformation of the global university, new institutionality, militant research networks and cartographies of the global university.
Royal Holloway (@ UK) have been occupied
The protest, organised by the Royal Holloway Anti Cuts Alliance1, is taking place outside the picture gallery of the University and is part of the National Day of Action that is being held on Wednesday as a follow up to the recent demonstration in London organised by the NUS and UCU.
The protesters plan to get the management of RHUL to agree to take a stance against the cuts. Their demands include that the management agree to speak out against the cuts and tuition fees. They also ask that the they consult the student body before any future decisions to cut services.
“The wave of sit-in protests that are sweeping the country are a sign of how angry and upset students are, and how the demonstration on the 11th was not the end of the story.” said Rustam Majainah, speaking on behalf of the Royal Holloway Anti Cuts Alliance. “We at Royal Holloway would like full transparency and consultation before any decision to implement cuts in the future are taken. Among other demands, we also want guarantees that female staff are not effected disproportionately by the cuts and that there should be a public review of all salaries over £100,000 paid to university staff.”
An open door policy is operating during the sit-in, allowing any students or staff wishing to join in the protest to do so, and have issued letters2 to those inside inviting them to take part in the protest and letting them know that they can enter and leave whenever they wish to. The students also plan on having discussions about their dissertations, talks from lecturers and watching films to make the most of their time during the protest.

“The wave of sit-in protests that are sweeping the country are a sign of how angry and upset students are, and how the demonstration on the 11th was not the end of the story.” said Rustam Majainah, speaking on behalf of the Royal Holloway Anti Cuts Alliance. “We at Royal Holloway would like full transparency and consultation before any decision to implement cuts in the future are taken. Among other demands, we also want guarantees that female staff are not effected disproportionately by the cuts and that there should be a public review of all salaries over £100,000 paid to university staff.”
An open door policy is operating during the sit-in, allowing any students or staff wishing to join in the protest to do so, and have issued letters2 to those inside inviting them to take part in the protest and letting them know that they can enter and leave whenever they wish to. The students also plan on having discussions about their dissertations, talks from lecturers and watching films to make the most of their time during the protest.
terça-feira, novembro 23, 2010
22-25 novembre: Respingiamo questa riforma!

Tra il 24 e il 25 di novembre infatti il ddl approderà alla Camera per l'approvazione, a cui seguirà un ulteriore passaggio in Senato a dicembre: le dichiarazioni di questi ultimi giorni di Tremonti, ovvero le promesse di fondi che si sono nella realtà rivelate un bluff, hanno però ricompattato maggioranza e parte dell'opposizione attorno alla necessità dell'approvazione del ddl. Crui e Confindustrai, assieme a parti significative della cosiddetta opposizione in Parlamento, convergono sui temi centrali di questo ddl: rafforzamento del potere baronale, spazio ai provati nei cda delle università, dequalificazione e riduzione dell'offerta formativa, adeguamento strutturale dell'università ai tagli.
E' necessario comporre le forze di queste settimane e mettere in campo con forza l'indignazione contro questo governo in agonia, rilanciando nelle facoltà i processi di conflitto e di autoriforma per respingere il ddl, per attaccare il governo sui tagli e la finanziaria, per denunciare le complicità con l'operazione di smatellamento dell'università. Una settimana di agitazione e mobilitazione nelle facoltà di tutta Italia, per esprimere con determinazione e radicalità il dissenso rispetto alle politiche del governo da parte del corpo vivo dell'università: riprendiamoci il futuro contro i tagli e il ddl!
Central London college occupied by students
Students at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, have today taken over the Brunei Gallery, a central college building, in protest at the Coalition government’s plans to impose £4.3bn cuts to higher education. SOAS is predicted to face 100% cuts to its teaching budget as it specialises in languages and humanities subjects.
Following a mass meeting of the Students’ Union last week, which voted to support occupations at the college, protestors gathered on campus at Monday lunchtime. The Brunei Gallery was taken over shortly after by cheering students.
The demands are as follows:
Following a mass meeting of the Students’ Union last week, which voted to support occupations at the college, protestors gathered on campus at Monday lunchtime. The Brunei Gallery was taken over shortly after by cheering students.
The demands are as follows:
Occupation Statement
At a huge Emergency General Meeting (EGM) last week, SOAS students voted in favour of occupation as part of our fight against Coalition government plans to cut higher education funding and raise tuition fees. Today, over sixty students have occupied the Brunei Suite at SOAS. This number is growing.
We stand in solidarity with other University occupations across the country and all those resisting the government’s draconian and unnecessary cuts. We encourage all students to participate in the National Day of Action against fees and cuts on 24th November. We call on the University administration to join us in our fight to defend education. In particular, we demand:
No victimisation of participants in this occupation and in previous and future student actions against fees and cuts.
That students who participate in the walk-out organised on the 24th of November are not marked as absent from lectures or tutorials on that day
Greater transparency in the School’s budget and in the School’s financial decisions.
That Paul Webley, SOAS Director, releases a statement openly condemning all cuts to higher education and any rise in tuition fees, and writes to the Government in the form of an open letter asking Vice-Chancellors across the country to unite against all threats to Higher Education.
That Paul Webley and SOAS management refuse to budget for the cuts and commit not to raise tuition fees.
We also request that all lecturers devote 15 minutes of lecture time to discuss the impact of the cuts in their classes throughout this week.
The occupation space is open to all students and staff and we encourage everyone to participate in occupation activities.
segunda-feira, novembro 22, 2010
Students break up University of Illinois (@ USA) Board of Trustees meeting
During public comment, several students got up to address the board. Carlos Rosa addressed the difficulty of working class black and Latino students getting into the University of Illinois with the growing costs of tuition. He referred to the recent figures that only 359 African American students were in this year’s freshmen class and said it was “utterly ridiculous.” He pointed out it was more than 40 years ago that Project 500 was launched to bring 500 freshmen students to UIUC, and yet today these numbers are not nearly being met. Carlos called for the recruitment of minority students “from Chicago, to Champaign, to Cairo.”
Ben Rothschild spoke next and questioned the privatization of the university. He talked about the incentive for corporations to pay a graduate student at $20,000 a year, rather than hire a professional with a $75,000 salary. “Costs are being socialized,” he said, “and the profits are being privatized.” He also criticized former President B. Joseph White who stepped down after the “cloutgate” scandal and is now teaching in the Business Department. Ben asked, “Why is President White being paid $100,000 to teach a class on Business Ethics?”
Continue to read this news...Peter Campbell of the GEO cited Southern Illinois University President Glenn Pochard who has instituted a tuition freeze. Campbell asked the board if they would consider a similar freeze on tuition. Board of Trustees Chair Christopher G. Kennedy said, “There is a tradition of public comment, not of question and answer.” Peter replied that he had read the BOT documents permitting appropriate time for responses. Kennedy did not answer Peter’s question.
Stephanie Seawell, GEO co-president, was the last to address the board. She spoke about the growing burden on her own students she had spoken to as a graduate instructor. She asked the board if they would allow for a future presentation on the impact of tuition hikes on minorities at UIUC. Again, none of the board members responded.
Chair Kennedy said he was at the student senate the previous night and had spoken with students. Before he could finish explaining himself, Ben Rothschild yelled out, “Are you going to answer the questions?” Kennedy stammered. Ben began chanting “Whose University?” Other students in the room shouted back, “Our University!”
Students then got up out of their seats, stood in front of the board, put on t-shirts that spelled out “TUITION FREEZE,” and tied white handkerchiefs around their mouths. The board meeting was effectively over.
The board voted earlier on a request to give Emeritus status to controversial professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Bill Ayers. Chair Kennedy made a speech stating that he was voting to deny Emeritus status, claiming he was not making his decision based on issues of academic freedom, but because Ayers had dedicated one of his books to the man who killed his father, Robert Kennedy. Ayers had dedicated his 1974 book Prairie Fire to the more than 100 political prisoners in the United States, including Sirhan Sirhan, who had shot Kennedy.
At noon, the Campus Labor Coalition staged a rally attended by approximately 100 people on the quad.
sábado, novembro 20, 2010
The Death of the University, english style
A text by Nick Couldry and Angela McRobbie
Perhaps 'received its death warrant' would be more accurate than 'died'. For there are still some weeks left in which to challenge the fate that the Browne Report proposed for our university system. But that requires looking closely at the mechanisms Browne proposes.
The Browne Report says it's about funding 'a sustainable funding solution for the future' of higher education. It calls for more investment and offers a new mechanism for generating investment, by putting 'choice... in the hands of the students'.
Who could object to more, and better, choice for students? We certainly don't. That is why it is important to understand that the new funding mechanism Browne proposes is only very partially about choice.
Browne proposes, and the Government accepts, that government financial support for universities' teaching infrastructure will be removed, and replaced by the income from student fees, received in the form of a government payment that graduates will repay back later through the tax system, if their earnings are high enough. Let's leave aside so-called 'priority' courses for the moment, and ask what are the likely effects of this revolution in English universities' general funding model? Government will save a lot of money, and many will celebrate this, but the long-term costs of those savings will be both subtle and deep.
First, universities' financial planning will be thrown into uncertainty, affecting their forward decisions on the degrees they provide. It will become increasingly difficult to ensure continuity of quality and the maintenance of standards when income cannot be predicted.
Second, students may begin to choose degrees on the basis of the earnings capacity a degree will give them. Only two types of student will be relaxed about their choice: those with high parental resources behind them, and those choosing degrees (maybe a leading finance or business degree?) who may believe that such a degree will guarantee them large salaries in the City, though this is now less guaranteed than before.
Third, over the longer-term, the range of degrees most universities offer will be narrowed. If university finance is largely (for some institutions exclusively) driven by student fee income, and student decisions narrowly driven by calculations of future earnings, how easy will it be in 10 years time to propose a new degree in philosophy, art history, or a language not on the government's list of 'strategically important' languages? Will the result really be more choice?
Two types of course will be protected from these new pressures: courses which government deems a national priority (medical, certain other science, technology and health care courses, some languages); and non-priority courses in richer universities that those universities decide to cross-subsidise. But universities and colleges that don't teach 'priority' courses will have little chance of generating the reserve income for such subsidies – even if they survive the new funding regime. Browne recognises that a consequence of his reforms in some universities will come under pressure to close.
Unless resisted, Browne's proposals are likely, over time, to narrow the range of degree courses offered to students, so they become increasingly dominated by courses that are work-skills-oriented or carry high social prestige. Elite universities may be able to withstand these pressures, but only because they can charge the highest fees: we don't believe the resulting implications of this for inequality of access to higher education can be mitigated in a country that lacks the USA's century-old system of university endowments.
Our conclusion as two academics proud to teach in non-priority areas (the arts, humanities and social sciences) is that some major principles of the English education system are now under threat. There is the basic principle that governments support universities to provide a wide range of courses giving access at the highest level to the full range of human knowledge, understanding and creativity. Also under threat is the principle that, through this broad idea of the university, young people have the opportunity to develop their full intellectual and creative potential, regardless of family wealth. Browne appears to believe that a system for distributing resources based on individual market choice will somehow generate the university system that society needs (and you thought neoliberalism was dead!).
Yet there has been too little debate so far on this deeper threat to the university system represented by the Coalition's response to the Browne report. One explanation for that lack of debate is old-fashioned divide-and-rule. As Browne says, he has introduced a 'more dynamic system of funding', which means that in the short term it may not be in, for example, Russell Group universities' interests to challenge what is proposed.
It is all universities however – and the inclusive idea of the university for which England has until now been internationally admired – that, in the long run, will be diminished by the reforms now under way. The London march on Wednesday 10 November 2010 was just the first stage in opening up the wider debate that is needed.
Nick Couldry is professor of Media and Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London; his latest book is Why Voice Matters: Culture and Politics After Neoliberalism (Sage, 2010).
Angela McRobbie is professor of Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London; her latest book is The Aftermath of Feminism (Sage, 2009).
sexta-feira, novembro 19, 2010
You are the ruins, we are the future!

High schools, universities, students, researchers, precarious, teachers, all the education world took to the streets not just to give a signal of presence, but furthermore to shout our strong dissent to a reform that destroy completely the educational system in Italy.
In Rome, students showed a banner saying "what future among these ruins?" closing the entrance of the university to affirm the necessity of a national and generalized strike.
In fact, if European Union approved the austerity measures, legitimizing the destruction of welfare state, the Italian government is destroying completely any form of guarantees and social rights. In this context, the question of future and welfare becomes the central claim for students that are struggling: "knowledge is a common good, take back the future!" affirmed the banner opening the demo in Padua, and more "Today we take back everything" said the banner in Pisa.
The last news tells us that about 90% of the scholarships have been cut by the "reform", so that yesterday students claimed for welfare and funding against student loan. In fact, in the next year every form of sustenance and indirect income will be dismissed, encouraging loans and indebtedness. So, in Bologna, students showed yellow banners claiming for studentships as part of the regional campaign "yes we cash" to obtain basic income. At the same time, in Genova and Turin students enveloped and closed the head quarter of the regional government with long stripes, showing the banner "too much cuts, danger collapse!".
Basic income is the only perspective we can draw for a real change as an answer to the global crisis, that's why communicative actions spread all over Italy focusing on the finance issue. A huge demo in Palermo threw eggs against the Sicilia Bank, as in Turin San Paolo Bank was the target of students shouting "Satisfied or reimbursed? Income for everyone!"; in Pisa students made direct actions against banks and private universities, trying to reach the headquarter of the italian industrial confederation (Confindustria) where police charged them in a brutal way, injuring several of them. The same happened in Ancona.
Otherwise police brutality, students affirmed their right to take to the streets, to block the city expressing dissent and rage! "ignorance is submission, knowledge is rebellion" said banners in Genova. In Turin an unauthorized parade occupied the train Station, and in Padua students occupied a meeting where the secretary of the CGIL (the biggest union in Italy) was participating, and they asked for a General strike. In Rome thousand of students and researchers decided to break the rules of the City council and reached the Parliament with giant books as symbolic shields: it was a wild demo spreading in the city center.
The necessity of a big trans-national and generalized strike has been another issue for the demos. A national space of debate defined the possibility of a common struggle between unions and movements: "United against the crisis" is both the name of this experiment and then the words that links the demos on 17th November.
Not only a day of conflict in the education world, but even more an attempt of recomposing all the workers against austerity.
Once more, from the Wave in 2008 and the last mobilizations pushed by researchers, the attempt was to match and to communicate among students, teachers and precarious.
In Rome, a banner of precarious workers of the university was opened saying "You are the ruins, we are the research": events, open lessons in the squares, symbolic and direct actions will characterize next week in the attempt to connect different subjects of education, to affirm that this reform cannot be approved and that the government must fund university and research.
The demos on 17th November all around Europe are just the signal of the impossibility of austerity and destruction of the university, the necessity of a huge movement to take back our future.
quinta-feira, novembro 18, 2010
A report on the protests at Fall Regents Meeting

Protesters were initially met at the east doors with police who wielded billy-clubs as bludgeons, and with a brief dousing of pepper spray. Pushed back once, students and workers massed a second time in front of the police line, and began again to walk towards the entrance. This time, the police coated them with an extended, indiscriminate blanket of pepper spray. People who were more than ten feet away from the line of police needed treatment for the burning sensation in their eyes and on their faces caused by exposure to this chemical weapon. Those closer to the police required intensive treatment, and were, in some cases, still in pain over an hour later.
After these incidents on the east door, protesters moved around to the other side of the building and attempted to enter into the Regents meeting through an attached parking garage. A number of protesters were able to enter into the interior foyer before being beaten aggressively with batons, pepper sprayed at close range, and, in some cases, arrested. Again, those who were sprayed required intensive treatment. During this confrontation inside the parking garage, UCPD officer Kemper pulled his gun on students without provocation. Concerning this incident, spokespeople from the UC administration and from UCPD have claimed – despite conflicting video evidence -- that a student took officer Kemper's baton and beat him on the head with it. Video of the incident shows Kemper losing control of his baton as he rushes students, and then -- without provocation -- unholstering his gun. An open letter has been released calling on the UC and UCPD to account for their public misrepresentation of this incident -- an incident that has severely frightened students and workers, who recognize that one further false move on the part of officer Kemper could have resulted in serious injury or even death.
At UC Berkeley, concerned members of the campus community will meet tonight to respond to the fee increases and to the police violence faced by students and workers at the Regents meeting. We will be meeting at 6pm in Dwinelle 370. Please join us in carrying forward the protests against educational privatization and police violence on our campuses.
segunda-feira, novembro 15, 2010
Sussex University goes into occupation
200 students went into occupation today (Monday 15th November) at Sussex University. We are occupying against cuts and rising fees in education.
Please rush in messages of support to
If you are a student at Sussex or Brighton please join us in the Fulton building on Sussex campus and bring along your friends, food, drink, sleeping equipment, etc…
Follow the occupation on Twitter:
More soon.
Please rush in messages of support to
If you are a student at Sussex or Brighton please join us in the Fulton building on Sussex campus and bring along your friends, food, drink, sleeping equipment, etc…
Follow the occupation on Twitter:
More soon.
quarta-feira, novembro 10, 2010
Today: March for the future of education @ London
The government's education policy is regressive, punitive and unnecessary – join the march to protect our future.

Many have pointed to the shortsightedness of cutting university provision at a time when the economy is stuttering. Across Europe, very few countries have opted to cut funding to universities, believing that the future of their economy depends, in part, on producing high-quality graduates. Britain is already spending less on the sector than many other countries (0.9% compared with Sweden's 1.6% and the US's 2.9%), but now the government is effectively proposing to transfer the entire responsibility for future funding of teaching to students and graduates.
Ministers who paid nothing for their university education, who received grants and full fees, are telling everyone else that they must sign up for decades of debt. It is very clear that those who start with least will be less inclined to borrow the most: furthermore, the introduction of differential fees (possibly up to £9,000) will create a divided sector in which those institutions that tend to attract richer students will charge as much as they can.
Students will be forced to make an economic calculation regarding the worth of their intellect: as arts, humanities and social sciences face a total withdrawal of government funding, these subjects are likely to disappear at post-92 universities, leaving classics, history, philosophy and art to those who can afford to "indulge" in such pursuits. Everyone else will have to choose something "useful", despite the fact that there are likely to be even fewer jobs for them due to the government's response to the economic crisis. Britain's appalling lack of social mobility and class division will only be reinforced by the proposed cuts.
The march is not simply about students protesting their own situation – in fact, most current students won't yet be affected by the proposals, although they, too, are already facing a future structured by debt. People will be marching for those who are not yet at university: those who will see their education maintenance allowance (EMA) cut as they attempt the A-levels they hope will get them into university in the first place; those who will be put off university altogether by the fear of debt; those who believe that higher education doesn't simply belong to the rich. The government's plans for universities are regressive, punitive and unnecessary. The protesters today will be making this very clear. British universities are institutions to be proud of, not punished. Join the protesters today, if you can.
terça-feira, novembro 09, 2010
sábado, novembro 06, 2010
Towards a People's Assemblies movement @ UK

It is the view of many activists that a very different form of mobilisation, and a new kind of politics aimed at changing the balance of power is now urgently required. Taking inspiration from last year's Climate Justice Action (CJA) mobilisation in Copenhagen, and the many spontaneous calls made there - and elsewhere - for a new movement based on People's Assemblies, the following planning meeting is now being convened.
Liberation: Beyond Resistance
Building a People's Assemblies Movement
Saturday 11th December 1-5pm
@ Birkbeck College
sexta-feira, novembro 05, 2010
3 Novembre 2010: La Sorbonne a été occupée!

L’occupation se déroule dans une bonne ambiance, jusque vers 23 heures où la police entre en Sorbonne afin d’évacuer les occupants. Les flics défoncent une porte pour entrer, cassant au passage la poignée et le montant. Les grévistes forment alors une chaîne humaine afin d’éviter les évacuations individuelles ; les policiers refusant une sortie collective, après plusieurs minutes, se saisissent du premier étudiant à leur portée, et, par une clé de cou, réussissent finalement à le séparer du groupe et l’emmènent. Clé de bras, de cou, placage contre le mur et étranglement (avec bien sûr le sarcasme habituel) semblent constituer la technique d’évacuation. Les étudiants sont alors évacués un à un (escortés en clé de bras par deux policiers jusqu’à la sortie) et voient leur identité relevée. Les violences policières ont été concrètes mais modérées. À minuit, tous les occupants avaient été sortis.
Les étudiants de la Sorbonne, suite à cette occupation de 5 heures la veille de la rentrée lycéenne, rappellent que le mouvement est loin d’être mort, contrairement à ce que laisse entendre la plupart des médias de masse. Ils regrettent, en outre, que seul BFM TV ait daigné se déplacer pour cette occupation, et que l’info ne fût relayée que par les sites d’information militants habituels.
quinta-feira, novembro 04, 2010
Goldsmiths students occupy over tuition fee rise
Students angry at a rise in tuition fees have occupied one of their University buildings and plan to stage an all-night protest.
Earlier today, Universities Minister David Willetts announced that Universities in England would be able to charge up to £9,000 per year. A lot of the annual fee rise, up from £3,290, will replace funding that was cut in the Comprehensive Spending Review.
Goldsmiths Student Union campaigns officer James Haywood said the protestors planned to stay in the building, which contains senior management offices, all night. Mr Haywood said: “It’s not just about the tuition fees. It’s about the cuts”. “Senior management has made it clear they support the increase in fees. They’re refusing to join our campaign”.
quarta-feira, novembro 03, 2010
Free Education for Everyone: a statement regarding events today at the Dept. of Finance

Up to 1,000 students joined our breakaway at Kildare Street, staging a short sit down protest outside the home of the corrupt and unaccountable political establishment of this state. Recognising the futility of marching from A to B and listening to the same speeches from aspiring politicians, many of these students joined us in marching to the Department of Finance where a sit in demonstration was held. It is the Department of Finance which is attacking ordinary working people with such vigour in recent times, and this occupation was symbolic of the anger of students and the Irish public.
We are not the “anti- social, hooligan element of the student movement”, rather today we showed that we are perfectly in touch with the anger felt by the student body. The sight of thousands of students outside, cheering on the direct action showed the positive effect such direct action can have on the Irish student movement. Such actions, we believe, are a necessary step forward. This government wish to attack education, public services and working people and this must be resisted.
There was no act of violence carried out by those protesting at the Department, and any violence outside was instigated by the inept response of the Gardai. Students sitting on the road in protest were baton charged repeatedly by Gardaí, with many suffering injuries. One female student was knocked unconscious during the assault on the crowd, and other students clearly displayed head injuries. “The Gardaí rushed the crowd on numerous occasions, including spectators on the street. The crowd, which at this point had swelled up to 2,000 students with many from the main demonstration joining us, vented their anger at the response of the Gardaí who had begun encircling them”, said Lorcan Myles, a Free Education for Everyone activist who witnessed the events. We make no apologies for the direct action taken.
Ultimately, events like today’s will happen in a society where people are under constant attack from the political establishment. The arrests and attacks carried out on students today will not deter the movement.
Free Education for Everyone and The Students In Solidarity Network are independent student grassroots campaigns active in numerous Irish third level institutions. Previous protests have included resisting the appointment of Bertie Ahern T.D by NUI Maynooth as an Honorary Professor, opposing numerous TD’s visits to various campuses including Belfield and NUI Galway and building broad student support for a left wing and grassroots student movement.
terça-feira, novembro 02, 2010
segunda-feira, novembro 01, 2010
quinta-feira, outubro 14, 2010
Battle plan for action against Browne review
A historic attack on students
The Browne Review, which was expected to raise the cap on tuition fees has gone even further than many realised – completely abolishing the cap altogether.
Whilst it is not yet law, cabinet ministers including Lib Dem Vince Cable have said they agree with the findings of the report and intend to implement it. They will likely reproduce it in some form in the Comprehensive Spending Review with a view to the bill coming into being in the next budget.
This is in direct contradiction to their key manifesto pledge, to abolish tuition fees. It even contradicts their plans for a ‘graduate tax’, which they supported after the election. Most even signed a special NUS pledge to say they would vote against any rise in fees.
Some Lib Dems MPs have said they will rebel against their party whips – the sell-out will also anger party members. The rise in tuition fees will leave weak points exposed in the Lib Dems and therefore the coalition. The Lib Dems are therefore a key target for protest, actions etc. This is also a likely reason why the review was announced in secret and released well after its completion.
We will protest at the Lib Dem HQ in Westminster at 4pm on Oct 25.
Killing universal education
The review is an historic attack on education in several ways:
It will make higher education simply unaffordable for huge numbers of working class, and lower-middle class people.
It will create a market between universities – some will charge extortionate fees and become playgrounds for the rich. The others left behind will become increasingly badly funded, vocationally based, or will close.
As such this is also a huge attack on the idea of learning for the sake of learning and expanding working class culture. University will become a place where the ‘haves’ study to get well-paid jobs in finance and business related degrees.
Subjects such as art, philosophy and politics – the humanities – will become increasingly drained of resources as students scramble to find courses that can realistically provide them with a job that will pay off a debt worth tens of thousands.
The Browne review will have angered millions of students – those already concerned about debt at the universities – and those in FE colleges and school who want to go to university. It will also further radicalise intellectual and university teachers concerned about the wider damage to education and culture.
In this environment, a mass movement can take place – so the action we now take has to be swift and radical. Thankfully, there are already key actions organised nationally and in London, which can draw in huge numbers of students.
October 20
The march against the Comprehensive Spending Review. A student march will take place at 4pm, from ULU. We should argue for meet up points at every university in London take friends and political contacts to ULU from there.
We will use the demonstration as an opportunity to advertise the “free education” bloc on the demonstration on 10 November. Halls canvassing and stalls should be organised next week to build for the Comprehensive Spending Review demo.
November 10
This is the big joint NUS and UCU demonstration. Again feeder marches should be organised. In the run up to the demonstration we will organise postering in key areas of London, advertising the “free education” meet-up point.
We will also build this demonstration with canvassing and leaftings, and we should fight for local anti-cuts groups to support the “free education” bloc.
We will call a national walk-out and protest that can be publicised on both the 20 Oct and the NUS free education bloc on 10 Nov. A good date for this would be in the last weeks of November.
The NCAFC will organise regional meetings through which the walkout can be organised, drawing in as many students as possible – we will put particular emphasis on school on college students who will suffer worse from Browne’s review. University students where possible should ‘adopt’ a school or college to build for the walkout.

Whilst it is not yet law, cabinet ministers including Lib Dem Vince Cable have said they agree with the findings of the report and intend to implement it. They will likely reproduce it in some form in the Comprehensive Spending Review with a view to the bill coming into being in the next budget.
This is in direct contradiction to their key manifesto pledge, to abolish tuition fees. It even contradicts their plans for a ‘graduate tax’, which they supported after the election. Most even signed a special NUS pledge to say they would vote against any rise in fees.
Some Lib Dems MPs have said they will rebel against their party whips – the sell-out will also anger party members. The rise in tuition fees will leave weak points exposed in the Lib Dems and therefore the coalition. The Lib Dems are therefore a key target for protest, actions etc. This is also a likely reason why the review was announced in secret and released well after its completion.
We will protest at the Lib Dem HQ in Westminster at 4pm on Oct 25.
Killing universal education
The review is an historic attack on education in several ways:
It will make higher education simply unaffordable for huge numbers of working class, and lower-middle class people.
It will create a market between universities – some will charge extortionate fees and become playgrounds for the rich. The others left behind will become increasingly badly funded, vocationally based, or will close.
As such this is also a huge attack on the idea of learning for the sake of learning and expanding working class culture. University will become a place where the ‘haves’ study to get well-paid jobs in finance and business related degrees.
Subjects such as art, philosophy and politics – the humanities – will become increasingly drained of resources as students scramble to find courses that can realistically provide them with a job that will pay off a debt worth tens of thousands.
The Browne review will have angered millions of students – those already concerned about debt at the universities – and those in FE colleges and school who want to go to university. It will also further radicalise intellectual and university teachers concerned about the wider damage to education and culture.
In this environment, a mass movement can take place – so the action we now take has to be swift and radical. Thankfully, there are already key actions organised nationally and in London, which can draw in huge numbers of students.
October 20
The march against the Comprehensive Spending Review. A student march will take place at 4pm, from ULU. We should argue for meet up points at every university in London take friends and political contacts to ULU from there.
We will use the demonstration as an opportunity to advertise the “free education” bloc on the demonstration on 10 November. Halls canvassing and stalls should be organised next week to build for the Comprehensive Spending Review demo.
November 10
This is the big joint NUS and UCU demonstration. Again feeder marches should be organised. In the run up to the demonstration we will organise postering in key areas of London, advertising the “free education” meet-up point.
We will also build this demonstration with canvassing and leaftings, and we should fight for local anti-cuts groups to support the “free education” bloc.
We will call a national walk-out and protest that can be publicised on both the 20 Oct and the NUS free education bloc on 10 Nov. A good date for this would be in the last weeks of November.
The NCAFC will organise regional meetings through which the walkout can be organised, drawing in as many students as possible – we will put particular emphasis on school on college students who will suffer worse from Browne’s review. University students where possible should ‘adopt’ a school or college to build for the walkout.
terça-feira, outubro 12, 2010
Centinaia di studenti a stazione Termini: flashmob in stazione «L'Università è su un binario morto»
Roma, stazione Termini, ore 12.00. In mezzo a migliaia di viaggiatori, si sente un fischio e una voce metallica da un megafono che dice "Trenitalia informa i signori viaggiatori che il treno dell'Università è su un binario morto". Diverse centinaia di studenti si siedono improvvisamente per terra, bloccando di fatto per alcuni minuti la stazione.
Tutti gli studenti avevano un libro in mano per denunciare i tagli e comunicare nella città e sui media la prossima mobilitazione del 14 ottobre, giornata in cui è stato lanciato l'assedio al Parlamento durante la discussione del Ddl Gelmini. Un lungo applauso dei presenti in stazione ha accolto gli studenti, che si sono poi dileguati tornando nelle facoltà in mobilitazione per continuare l'agitazione dentro l'Università.Il testo del volantino distribuito durante il flash mob:
Tutti gli studenti avevano un libro in mano per denunciare i tagli e comunicare nella città e sui media la prossima mobilitazione del 14 ottobre, giornata in cui è stato lanciato l'assedio al Parlamento durante la discussione del Ddl Gelmini. Un lungo applauso dei presenti in stazione ha accolto gli studenti, che si sono poi dileguati tornando nelle facoltà in mobilitazione per continuare l'agitazione dentro l'Università.Il testo del volantino distribuito durante il flash mob:
Unica destinazione: precarietà. Noi non ci stiamo! Oggi siamo qui perchè vogliamo scegliere tra molteplici destinazioni e l'unico treno su cui vogliamo salire: quello per riprenderci il futuro che vorrebbero sottrarci. Alla coppia Tremonti-Gelmini che, smantellando scuola, università, ricerca pubblica e diritto allo studio, vorrebbe vederci andar via con una valigia, rispondiamo che rimaniamo qui, con i nostri libri, il nostro dissenso e i nostri desideri.Next stop: Giovedì 14, facciamo sentire la nostra voce assediando Montecitorio durante la discussione del DdlGelmini per impedire l’approvazione della legge!
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