quinta-feira, abril 08, 2010
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Grupo de Discussão e de Acção com o objectivo de Parar o Processo de Bolonha. O processo que mais atenta o Ensino Superior Europeu está em marcha rápida, corroendo e destruindo a qualidade, a justiça e o acesso ao Ensino Público. O direito de aprender tem que ser inabalável.
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This morning - 23rd April 2010 - police forces arrested an activist under the charge of misappropiation and disturbances. The arrest was characterized by irregularities like lying about the availability of his lawyer in the moment. It is related to an action made by the Bolonia Fucking Up Group in which a multinational “La Casa del Libro” was expropriated during the counter summit between 8th and 14th April in Madrid.
His case is not isolated, other activists have been called to declare to police forces. It reflects the opportunism and excess with which repression to students has been made during and after the countersummit. Once again we see how police forces coerce and control those whose only transgression has been to think and act politically to denounce the situation we live in a world that is obviously unjust.
We want to express our condemnation to this police repression that has been plaguing social movements in Madrid for long. We believe that political action is the only way to make visible the existing conflicts and to build the society we want, something that some don't want and is object of repression by power and those who hold it, under the excuse of maintaing public order and their democracy.
In this case, the opposition to the European Higher Education Area and the revision of the concept of education, have made power be seen in doubt and with its legitimacy questioned. Its only response has been to punish and silence before the risk of having the Bologna Process and reforms of mercantilization questioned again publically.
Finally, we want to express our solidarity with our companion, and to announce our intention to keep on with our struggle by the only means we have left; direct action, public denounce and political action. Their reaction reafirms us in our legitimacy when we act and why we do it, and makes it clear to us that we have not taken the worng way of struggling.
Bolonia Fuckin' Up Group
We want to collect a list of collectives and groups that support this communiqué. If you want to express to solidarity by joining this support, please send us a mail to bolognaburnsmadrid@gmail.com.
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