- We proved to the right-wing Government and to their neoliberal "Socialist" allies (who have forgotten that they are in opposition), but also to all the people that are following the developments with great interest, that all the actors of the Educational Movement are in full readiness and mobilization, in order to climax the resistance against the neoliberal hit to the public, free and academic character of Higher Education. DOE (Primary Education teachers), OLME (Secondary Education teachers), POSDEP (University professors), student unions, High School student communities and unions of parents, together with a series of other trade-unionist and social initiatives (like the Greek Social Forum) followed the call of the National Initiative Against the Reform of Article 16 and flooded the streets in tens of Greek cities: estimations talk about 15.000 demonstrators in Athens, 5.500 in Thessaloniki, 1.500 in Patras and 2.500 in Volos! At the same time, according to today's counting, 215 University schools and over 100 High Schools all over the country are under student occupation this week!
- We challenged the atmosphere of fear and the witch-hunt that has been initiated by the Government, through recent provocative statements of the Minister of Public Order, Polydoras. Through our multiple actions and our determination, we showed that we will not tolerate any attempt of calumniation and repression of social struggles and resistances.
- With our demands and proposals, we proved that all the actors that participate in this struggle, are fighting for a better University and a better public Education in total, in a better society. The Educational Movement, no matter if the archpriests of neoliberalism are trying to prove the opposite, sets a number of multiple positive proposals, side by side to our clear rejection of the Reformation of Article 16: proposals both for the coverage of the immediate needs of public Education and also for a complete qualitative enhancement in all levels, which can lead to the Education which we are all fighting for.
Neolaia Synaspismou (The Youth of Synaspismos) salutes the massive presence of High School students, University students, educators and workers in the multiple and militant mobilizations in 10th of January and urges every democratically sensitive citizen to be alert and active, in order to cancel in action all the plans of the right-wing Government and their "Socialist" allies for the foundation of private "super market" Universities and the final corrosion of public and free Education. "Year 16" has just begun!
Solidarity is our weapon,
Yiannis Bournous
International Affairs Responsible
of Neolaia Synaspismou
2. Visit www.neolaiasyn.gr for frequent updates and international messages of solidarity.
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