In a plenary session on June 14th the students of the University of Arts and Design Offenbach (Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach) [in Germany] decided to take advantage of the annual presentation “Rundgang” and to use it as a clear comment against the planned study fees. Within the formation of a platform for information, dialogue and organization, the students of the Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) intend to set a clear signal of resistance against the hostile political reforms of social structures.
The bill to introduce study fees about at least 500 euro with the beginning of the Winter semester [of 2007/2008] that was created by the State Government of Hessen is promoted with increasing possibilities in international competitions and social sole responsibility of students. Furthermore a run of young people aiming to study from other states which already introduced or planned study fees should be avoided. The students additional financial burden inevitably leads to study conditions of students with less capital and the conditions their families changing for the worse. Not only are quality and execution of studies affected by the financial burden and psychical stress but the bill also means social and geographical discrimination. Students who have not accomplished their school graduation in countries of the EU will have to pay 1500 euro per semester.
The students of the HfG Offenbach will express their point of view in a common project against education and welfare cutses. Moreover, it is deliberated to hand over the empty university building symbolically and from that point to arise a podium for communication. The platform is mentioned to be a creative approach for development against running educational and welfare cutses.
From July 21st till July 23rd the students will have a dialogue on the campus in the free space of a common construction, which is should be called improvised architecture, to discuss the past and future of the resistance against study fees in general. National and international guests, participants and speakers will exchange information and argue with each other in workshops, actions, panel discussions about the perspectives of the entire society in regard of the educational and social reduction, the precarization and the possibilities of emancipation. The moment of the “Randgang” marks the final stage of the Summer semester 2006 and should open the occasion to discuss the near future of the mobilization against education and welfare cutses.
Program of "Randgang":
Friday, 21st of July
18:30 Opening
19:00 Panel discussion: precarization of artistic education with Marius Babias, Beatrice von Bismarck, Alexander Koch and Stefan Roemer
Saturday, 22nd of July
14:00 Podium of international students
17:00 Workshops I
19:30 Plenum
Sunday, 23rd of July
14:30 Workshops II
17:00 Final plenum: reviews and prospects.
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